
How to Use Push Notifications to Boost Sales Team Performance

Sales Notifications,Sales Performance

Are you looking to boost your sales team’s performance? You might have tried all kinds of ideas— CRMS, email blasts, SMS messages, Facebook ads, and more. But you likely haven’t tried implementing push notifications in your business to increase sales performance. 

While not as popular as today’s top marketing channels and strategies, pushing notification services can be highly effective. In this article, we look at ways to use push notifications to boost sales team performance. 

What are Push Notifications?

Push notifications are small messages or alerts that pop up on a device. They can appear on smartphones, tablets, and even desktops. Instead of waiting for a user to check an app or website, these notifications push content directly. It’s like a gentle tap on the shoulder, a quick reminder to engage.

You can use web push notifications on browsers and apps or a mobile push notification service. This kind of notification will most likely get a high engagement rate, whichever route you take. That’s because users find push notifications utilitarian, with over 57% of users saying they find these notifications useful.

Why Should I Use Push Notifications? (Top Benefits)

Why should businesses start using push notifications more? Here are some of the top benefits that will convince you to implement push notifications in your company or business.

  • Real-time Communication.
    Push notifications are immediate. Whether you’re updating users about breaking news or a flash sale, the message reaches them in real-time, ensuring they’re always in the loop.
  • Increased Engagement.
    Apps that employ push notifications often see a boost in user engagement. For instance, users might forget about a shopping app they downloaded, but a timely sale notification can bring them back.
  • Direct Channel to Audience.
    Unlike emails that might get lost in a crowded inbox or social media updates that can be missed in a flurry of posts, push notifications reach users directly on their screens.
  • Higher Retention Rates.
    Consistent, value-driven notifications can keep users returning to your app or platform. With the right segmentation and personalization techniques, push notifications can reach up to 93% retention rates. That means your notification recipients will continue getting your notifications for long. 
  • Enhanced Personalization.
    With modern analytics, push notifications can be tailored based on user preferences, behavior, and location. Imagine getting a notification about a coffee deal just as you pass by a cafe!
  • Prompt Action.
    Notifications are highly informative and actionable. A simple “Swipe to see more” or “Tap to claim offer” can drive immediate actions from the user. That way, you can increase click-through rates or conversions. 
  • Higher Sales.
    Most benefits mentioned above all culminate into one massive benefit for a company— improved sales. There’s a massive impact of push notifications on sales when you improve engagement, retention, and action. So, with the right messaging and timing, you could possibly improve sales figures significantly and grow your company more. 

8 Ideas On How to Use Push Notifications to Boost Sales


Not all push notifications will work like a charm. To get the best results, you need to send the right messages. If you need ideas for good messages, look no further. Here are eight effective ideas you can try out when sending push notifications to your customers. 

Flash Sales Alerts

Do you have a limited-time offer? Let your customers know. This works best, especially with limited stocks or a short offer window. Build more urgency by sending a countdown update to your top customers every few hours or so.

Example Push Message: “Flash sale on Product X, 20% off for the next 3 hours. Spread the word!”

Product Updates

Use a push when there’s a new product or feature upgrade. This works best when you’re marketing to customers who have already bought from your business. For example, you can push people to upgrade to a higher plan in your software when you release a new feature only available in those plans. 

Example Push Message: “Heads up! Product Y now comes in three new colors.”

Customer Insights

Sharing feedback or reviews is a great way to help push more sales for a product. It establishes trust by showing people that others are more than happy with their experience with you. Studies show that testimonials can increase sales conversions by up to 34%

Example Push Message: “Customer Quote: ‘I wish it came with a longer warranty.’ Time to highlight our extended warranty options!”

Training Tips and Resources

In this age of content, value is king. You can send valuable content, tips, training, and resources that link back to your product. For instance, if you’re selling fitness equipment, you can send workouts and exercises that help people gain muscle or lose weight.

Example Push Message: “Check out our latest video on handling objections. Only 5 minutes and packed with tips!”

Inventory Alerts

Let’s switch to alerts you can send internally within your team. Is your company running low on inventory of products? It helps to let your team know. You can set up a notification when your stocks hit a critical mass. That way, salespeople continue to sell without losing momentum due to stock issues.

Example Push Message: “Warning! Only 20 units left of Product Z. Make sure customers know.”

Reward Announcements

Companies can also announce sales success to boost employee engagement. People love getting recognition when they hit a milestone.

Example Push Message: “Congrats to Mike for hitting his weekly target. Enjoy that bonus!”

How to Implement Push Notifications in My Business

Leaderboard Updates

Gamify the sales process by creating an internal leaderboard in your sales department. Send notifications when rankings change.

Example Push Message: “Jane just sold 30 units. Can you beat that?”

Daily Sales Goals

To start the day right, you can send a notification each morning outlining daily sales targets. 

Example Push Message: “Good morning! Today’s target: 50 units. Let’s crush it!”

Tips When Setting Up Push Notifications

Now that you know what messages to send, you’ll also need to learn how to set your notifications up correctly. Here are tips when sending push notifications to your team or customers. 

Choose the Right Platform

There are several push notification apps available for companies to use. Look for features like segmentation, scheduling, and analytics. PingBell is a great example of an affordable and highly effective push notification manager app you can use for any business or industry.

Get Permission

Users, including team members, have to opt in to receive notifications. Otherwise, your dropout rate will be a whole lot higher. Make sure they see the value in subscribing. It always helps to attach valuable information to your push notifications.


Not every notification should go out to everyone. Some messages might only apply to a select fraction of your list. Segment your sales team and customers by behaviors, regions, products, or roles. For instance, only alert the sales team if there’s a sale in the East region.

Timing is Key

You don’t want to annoy your recipients, so try to optimize your timing. Avoid sending notifications during working hours or holidays. Use scheduling features to send pushes at optimal times.

Keep It Clear and Brief

Remember, push notifications are short, so you want to communicate what you want to say in a few lines or less. Make your message clear. “New product launch at 3 PM. Be ready!”

Understand Your Recipient.

Notifications can be irritating when they don’t feel relevant to your needs and context. If there’s no tangible benefit, reconsider sending it. You can take up a behavioral course or hire someone who understands the human psyche. Check out some of the cheapest psychology degree online to help you learn how to understand and profile people better.

Powerful Notifications, Powerful Sales Channels

Push notifications can be a powerful tool for any business, especially in sales. They provide instant engagement and real-time updates. But as with all tools, it’s about how you use them. So, use pushes wisely. When done right, these little nudges can lead to big results. 


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